sedert / since 1914
K. Le Roux Robotics Centre

Information Technology @ BD's
Information Technology is of high importance at Bredasdorp Primary. For our teachers, the network consists of a computer in each classroom connected to a data projector. For our learners, we have a computer centre with a server and 32 workstations. Internet is available for all teachers and learners.
Trained IT personnel is a great need in our day and age today therefor we start early with training. All our learners, from Grade R to Grade 7, visit the centre weekly and attend class for 60 minutes. Lessons include Numeracy & Literacy and Typing & Computer skills.
We also help learners with programs like MS Word, Publisher, Excel and Power Point. These skills are used to prepare and complete projects, tasks and orals set by their teachers. Learners are allowed to research the internet in a controlled environment to further enhance their work.
Veiligheid Aanlyn
Die internet het voorwaar ‘n hele nuwe wêreld tot op ons voorstoep gebring, maar ongelukkig nie sonder sy eie “pyne” nie. Meeste ouers is vandag reeds bewus van veiligheid aanlyn en hier by Laerskool Bredasdorp sien ons hierdie as net so belangrike punt!
Ons moedig ons ouers, asook ons onderwysers aan om met hul kinders te gesels oor hierdie aspek. Moontlike risiko’s waaraan kinders blootgestel kan word, word deurlopend tydens klas bespreek. In BD-land is ons kinders se veiligheid vir ons belangrik!
Inligtings sessies word ook van tyd tot tyd aangebied vir ons ouers waartydens baie moeite gedoen word om ouers bewus te maak van alle aspekte van hoe om die internet veilig te gebruik. Ouerdomsbeperkings op veral sosiale media-webwerwe word onder andere uitgelig in hierdie sessies en die nadele van die gebruik daarvan wanneer kinders nog nie die toepaslike ouderdom bereik het nie.