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Huis  Eloff 

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Friendly Hostel Accommodation

Huis Eloff is truly a “home away from home”.  As acting parents of our residents, we take as good care of them as we do of our own and realize the big responsibility we have in developing these boys and girls into secure and independent adults.  


Gedurende die skoolweek kan 20 leerders gemaklik in goed toegeruste, veilige en skoon kamers gehuisves kan word. Ons bied ook ‘n  nasorg fasiliteit vir  leerders wat nie in die koshuis woonagtig is nie, maar steeds in ‘n gekontroleerde omgewing wil studeer en huiswerk doen, asook aan die skool se buitemuurse aktiwiteite wil deelneem.  Hierdie leerders ontvang ook tweede pouse ‘n middagete-kospakkie en kan op versoek aandetes ook ontvang.


Huis Eloff beskik oor ‘n volledig toegeruste kombuis, eetsaal, en ontspanningsarea vir ons inwoners.  Die Koshuis is nuut omhein en bied ‘n veilige omgewing waar die Loffies buite kan speel in die middae. Toesig deur die betrokke personeellid aan diens. 


The Hostel also provide a home for learners sleeping over for only one or two nights during the week due to sport activities finishing late or parents that are away for a day or two and need someone to look after their kids.

  • Guest House

  • Boarding for up to 50 learners

  • Aftercare centre facilities for kids staying only for the afternoon

  • Sleepover for one or two nights during the week

  • Accommodation for school- and tour groups

Friendly Hostel Guest House

Huis Eloff is a primary school hostel that offers guest house accommodation in crisp clean rooms. Competitive prices makes it ideally suitable for school and tour groups. The hostel is situated in Bredasdorp, close to all amenities. Guests can either bring your own bedding or arrange for it to be provided. Meals can also be provided by prior arrangement.

HUIS ELOFF: Posbus 144 / Parkstraat 30, Bredasdorp, 7280 | Koshuis: 028 425 1085

Download Links for important documentation
Download Links Guest House

Banking Details of Huis Eloff :

ABSA Bank, Nr: 1780143475

Type: Cheque, Code: 334412



Mnr Wally Adendorf

Selfoon: 0823259379


2010 - present

2010 - present

Street Address: Buitekant Street, Bredasdorp, 7280

Postal Address: P.O. Box 160, Bredasdorp, 7280


Banking Details:

Bredasdorp Primary, STANDARD BANK, Nr: 083368221

Type: Business Current Account, Code: 051001


Tel: +27(0)28 424 1334


Proudly created Adell Designs

Laerskool bredasdorp, Bredasdorp Primary
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